Friday, March 18, 2011

"Downbound Train" Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band-Born in the USA

Well from the previous post in case you were wondering what I was referring to here is the answer and at the end the video. I listen, think and write (well attempt) music on a constant basis and in doing so I think gives gravitas to me saying this is one of the best songs ever written in this genre.

Born in the USA was released right after his Nebraska album which was a toned down, four track collection of songs that he never really intended to release. I challenge you to listen to this album and not become choked up while doing so. Personally there are two songs on the album that I only listen to alone because I will start crying. The album created a stir among Springsteen fans, it polarized those who grouped him in with that Mellencamp heartland music (Mellencamp is and always will be a joke, perhaps I could deal with his music sans that personality. Go ahead and listen to an interview with him, his self love is the most inflated I have ever experienced) and those who thought that he was much more than just a rocker. Not a lot of people who say they are Springsteen fans can even stand this album, for me it is what I use to change someone's mind about Springsteen being some red-neck hero.

For the true believers after Nebraska there were rumours about an "electric" Nebraska constantly, to this day people are asking for it when in reality it already exists with the title "Born in the USA" probably the most misunderstood record of all time and certainly the most of Springsteen's. It is true that Bruce and his management propagated this in a way with massive concerts being played behind American flags, the music videos that were produced along with the album and all of the hype. However the story of Nebraska still carries on in this album even in songs such as "Dancing in the Dark" which if you never heard before and just read the lyrics would change your entire opinion, how about this line for understated misery: "You sit around getting older, there's a joke here somewhere and its on me" Take away the beat, the 80's synthesizers and it is a totally different line. "Born in the USA", "My Hometown", "I'm on Fire" ("...sometimes it's like someone took a knife baby edgy and dull and cut a six in valley through the middle of my skull"), "No Surrender" and "Bobby Jean"; sing those songs on an acoustic and it is right there on Nebraska with all its heartbreak.

And this song belongs on this list as well, it belongs on the top of the list and at the top of any list of any songs of greatness.

It starts off simply like all great pieces of literature, poetry and music, real simple almost as if it was not written by someone of his skill. But to me when the line: "Now I work down at the car wash where all it ever does is rain." comes in I am smacked in the face by the fact that I and very few people could ever write such a meaningful and succinct line that translates so much so simply.

This continues for the remainder of the song, "Joe I have to go, we had it once we ain't got it any more." It doesn't matter how much you explain the shatters of a relationship it always comes down to this fact, nothing more needs to be said. But even more than the words are the tempo in which he sings them and in all honesty I can't put my finger exactly on what makes it so appealing. However it is difficult to actually sing this song as there are too many syllables in certain parts which ensures that one will need to strain words together as if there were all one to begin with.

The bridge might be the most heartbreaking ever written, it is also the most universal. How many nights have you woke up in a sweat after a dream of an ex you were still in love with right after it was all over? If you haven't you never were in love, don't kid yourself. The halting of most of the music in the bridge invokes a dream like state, one of which you along with the narrator's heart is stopping. Could this be the break in the story when the reconcile? Is she going to be there?

"Last night I heard your voice
You were crying, crying, you were so alone
You said your love had never died
You were waiting for me at home
Put on my jacket, I ran through the woods
I ran till I thought my chest would explode
There in the clearing, beyond the highway
In the moonlight, our wedding house shone
I rushed through the yard, I burst through the front door
My head pounding hard, up the stairs I climbed
The room was dark, our bed was empty
Then I heard that long whistle whine
And I dropped to my knees, hung my head and cried"

She won't be, there's just that same whistle which is that same device used earlier, the whistle of loneliness.

Throughout the song there is the building up of steam to some resolution, to an end and in the final verse it comes to judgement. Just as the train is barrelling down the track the song is heading almost out of control, he awakes from the dream in the refrain and things have gotten progressively worse. No more car wash, no more dreams of her, only the nightmare of working a chain gang all hours of the day.

"Now I swing a sledge Hammer onaHARAILroaDGAng
Knockingdown themcrossties working in the rain
Now don't it feel like you're a riiiider on a doOOHOUNDWNbound train"

He could have killed her, he could have knocked off a liquor store (as in "Johnny 99"), he could have done anything but the fact remains that there is no happy ending nor even an ending at all here. This man's life is still barrelling forward while staying in the same place and it will be, by his current actions he is both literally and figuratively building the track for his downbound train to continue onward.

I have been listening to this version for almost a week now and have been while writing this (as an aside the best format to read these posts are while that particular song is playing, that is what I intend for the reader to do with all of them) and I can barely contain myself. My head is swimming around with so much emotion and visuals I don't even know if what I am writing is making sense. If in watching this video you are doing so as well then my idea is coming through, and if not give it some time.

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