Friday, April 9, 2010

NPPL 2010 Rule Book

NPPL 2010 Rule Book

The NPPL Huntington Beach Open is taking place this weekend. With that in mind, we want to remind all paintball players competing to take a look at the 2010 NPPL rule book (right click, save target as..) and make sure you are up to date with the new changes.

As you arrive on the beach be sure to keep your guns covered, dismantled, etc. as NPPL rule 7.12 indicates that players caught in violation may be subject to suspension from the event, prior to stepping on the field. I’m sure the City of Huntington Beach would appreciate it if everyone kept their markers put away until they get into the player paddocks. This preventative action helps relieve the city and police from any and all unnecessary calls from concerned citizens reporting UFO’s and, more importantly, guns on the beach.

Baca Loco over at View from the Deadbox has provided some solid analysis of the new rules. Check it out VFTD’s story on the NPPL 2010 Rules here.

If your in the area and want to check out pro paintball for yourself, please feel free to stop by.

NPPL 2010 Surf City Open
South Side of Pier
103 Pacific Coast Highway
Huntington Beach, California 92648

To contact the reporter on this story: Justin in Los Angeles at

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