Tuesday, December 21, 2010

"Best kept secret" by MONDRIAN

Lyrics: Once I played the drums in a college band/- Rocking your socks off!,… or just tried my hand”/Grab attention: bite the apple on the roof/Dig the Beatles, Pete’s sense of rhythm on “Love me do”/As a true proof of the best kept secret/Best bet to forget/Since I took the black veil of silence/I reserve the right not to settle our difference/Vain… as Hollywood never paid me back in its own coin/I dropped the lot and double-locked myself in, John/Am I not divine?/Keep it safe or drop the lot/Keep it safe or…/There might have been someone to rely on/A cause to champion when the privacy clause is not conformed/To laud discretion: bite your tongue a thousand times/Before to let out, to put words forward, on the lion’s den/Here lies the best kept secret. = http://popmondrian.bandcamp.com/track/best-kept-secret.

Good bye/God bless Pete Best as a loser magnifique, Greta Garbo as The Divine. Fame, success. And also loss. Their memory still on heavy rotation in mine. Ivory-tower silence, cos’ Here Lies the Heart. RO

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