Thursday, May 19, 2011

Mystery Line

Today I was listening to a song from a favorite album of mine and a line hit me. It hits me every time I hear it and then after a few days the line and the song slips back into the ether of forgottenness while life transpires around me. The entire song of which this line is constructed around is an excercise in craftsmanship, the seams of a shirt compiling an entire garment with this line being the finishing touch on the cuff, the final quarter panel on a Ferrari and the case back to a Patek Philippe.

When this song first hit me I was sitting at a bar in Jacksonville with a very good friend lamenting the loss of a woman and speaking of her. He was sympathetic, kind and caring as he could only be, but then for some reason he unconsciously uttered one of the cruelest things anyone had ever said to me, "What would you do if she walked into this place right now?" My heart dropped and I pictured her shyly stepping through the open door frames, somewhat unsure of herself as she usually was, self conscious and looking around the room with pure blue eyes scanning the room in faded jeans and rinsed out t-shirt.

I didn't know how to answer the question at first, not because I didn't know how but rather I simply couldn't tell him the answer without breaking down in front of him and the other patrons. After a few seconds, while resisting reaching for a sip of the seventh martini of which I was on I uttered "Well I really wish she would and make me happy again." And then I reached for the strength that rested on the bar in that clear V shaped glass.

It's funny that to this day he probably doesn't know how much that hurt, and ironically how he was the man that turned me on to this song that broke my heart for so long and the line that echoed through my mind every night until I had to kill it, to stop it from thinking with booze and stupid acts of masochism and unequivocal whore fucking.

A simple Google search will provide you with the song and the beautiful tear stained tapesty of which this artist created years ago when he was surely in a similar situation. The skeptic prick may say that dredging up such emotions is a not an economical utilization of one's time, however the song, like the emotions itself are ingrained for eternity, whether it be on vinyl, mp4 or in the synapses of the mind. I like to think this line was always there but the unspoken artist was the first one who ever harnessed its power, I would like to know his muse but then again I know who it was written for, the one who never walked through that door.

"I could find her in a thunderstorm just by the way that the rain would fall"

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