Thursday, July 22, 2010

"Sous le Soleil" Mixed by DJ Stéphane Pompougnac with the Major Boys Featuring Aurélia-Hôtel Costes:Quatre

Forgive me for the long title, but with sampling there's a lot of people to credit these days. Two main events have taken up the majority of my time, one of which being the catalyst for this post and the catalyst behind me spending hours thinking of a certain place in the Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur region of southeastern France. You know the stories, the beauties laying on the beach baking in the sun after dancing till nine in the morning. Mick is always there, as is Stephanie, David, Gianni Agnelli when he was alive and every beautiful person who wouldn't talk to you in a million years.

But lately I've been talking and hanging out with a few of those people and beyond the artifice and the name I must say that their bad rep is under served and have found them to be terribly genuine, interesting, gentle and warm human beings. In their fashion there have been seven hour lunches at tables swilling Chateau Corton smoking Marlboro's until they turn back into late dinner followed by more hours of excess into the morning. All the while I hear stories of this little town and the nights that take place this time of year.

This song is the soundtrack. The Cuban rhythm, maracas holding the beat together, tight chords of a nylon string guitar with layers of spicy lower latitude piano barging in the door past the gaze of the tempo bouncers. A soft, smoky, sexy voice in your non-native tongue easing her way into your mind while her hips rhythmically shift with the rim shots hidden way back in the track until that guitar comes to the front piercing with purity.

There's a lot of things coming at you full force in this song, there's the aforementioned construction, there's the title which is also (conveniently) the title of a French Soap Opera set in said town dealing with the love lives of Laure, Caroline and Jessica, three of its residents. All those sweaty nights of Latin America mixed with the passion of Mediterranean France combine to overload one's mind until you are at the counter at JFK paying full price for the one way ticket to your new life unencumbered by the constraints you have built up in your day to day operations. Go ahead and do it, you'll never be happy until you've tried.

I'll be there in a few months, trying to bring my French and tan back up to the levels they should always remain at. If Mick is there I'll try not to talk to him, if Stephanie shows up I'll try not to stutter again when talking to her and play it a little bit cooler. More importantly I'll throw my short suit back on (hasn't seen daylight since Rio) and try not to feel hopelessly huge against those skinny French boys, the iPod will remain in the room but this soundtrack will be playing as the sand rises through my toes with every step and (hopefully) and every turned head of the women I walk by.

Chanel - Remember Now Part. 1 (By Karl Legerfeld) from baronshocolaat on Vimeo.

Chanel - Remember Now Part. 2 (By Karl Lagerfeld) from baronshocolaat on Vimeo.

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