Monday, February 7, 2011

"The collected stories of Larry Spencer Hill" by MONDRIAN

... or how to wallow in self-pity

Obviously, there’s plenty of virtuoses for L.I.F.E., fine! Obviously, I’m not. I may have lost the corpus. I share my time out in regular sequences of no-communication (theunmanlymanIam). In many ways, I’ve tried, by pure formalism, to talk in society with X or Y but each time, about two seconds after introductions, a fatal question breaks it all :

“ - Are you girlfriendable?
- I’m not even peopleable…”

Strangely enough, I don’t know why this title. Funny, ain’t it so?

LYRICS : I take no delight/In distractions of any kind/In some b-side of life I vegetate/I wish I’d socialized/“Sparkling on everyone”/And never had to hebetate/I lost hope/And now lose heart/Who’s sorry for Larry Spencer Hill ?/A gap which everything could fill/Neuter always ties/Superficial is what you are/”Sick to just sit and justify”/Oh! Hollow Larry/Are you wallowing in misery/And defeatism its ally?/I lost hope/You won’t lose heart/Who’s sorry for…

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