Thursday, December 30, 2010


"[...] Their newest single, ‘Pop Shop’ has a very simple sound like somebody playing around on half a drum kit and a keyboard for the first time but evolves into a great full bodied pop song once the rest of the instruments join in. Their music keeps it lively, happy, and sweet with well placed hand claps here and there, the occasional toot of a flute and a nice mix of everything from banjo and ukulele to piano and synthesizer. What also interesting is that these guys live in France but their music is in English, which just once again proves why french is totally not worth learning!" =

Tuesday, December 28, 2010


"[...] A sentire le canzoni di Pop Shop si ritrovano proprio equilibrio, suoni vivaci e strutture non banali ma spiccatamente pop costruite con strumenti semplici come ukulele, banjo, fischiettio e pianoforte. Mi ricordano molto la felicità a basso costo offerta dai The Boy Least Likely To.
Forse la geografia non li aiuta molto, e al contrario di band stellari provenienti dallo stesso lato delle Alpi, non usano quasi niente di digitale. Ma chissà, magari la magia dei "cugini" belgi Austin Lace, una vera sensazione indiepop di qualche inverno fa, potrebbe essere un buon precedente, e questo mini album (sette brani in free download per un po' di giorni, mi scrivono anche questo), piacevole highlight degli ultimi minuti del 2010 da inserire nella cartella dei dischi di indiepop ben fatto di quest'anno, potrebbe avere un seguito." =

Sunday, December 26, 2010


" [...] Que trouve-​t-​on alors dans cette bou­tique pop ? Une pin­cée de tofu, un rien d'amour, quelques se­crets bien gar­dés et sur­tout plein de choses que l'ar­gent ne peut ache­ter. Car Mon­drian a un ta­lent in­dé­niable dans l'écri­ture : les sept titres de l'EP sont au­tant de mé­lo­dies pop guille­rettes ci­se­lées par un soup­çon de banjo, une li­chette de syn­thé, un rien de chœurs. La voix de Roman Os­wald se pose sur ces pré­cieuses com­po­si­tions flo­rales avec ses ailes pou­drées dé­li­cates : il y est par­fois re­joint par les élytres bleu­tées de De­moi­selle (« Love, a col­li­sion », « Very wary », « Best kept se­cret »). Bien sûr, des écoutes suc­ces­sives ré­vèlent des dif­fé­rences im­per­cep­tibles la pre­mière fois : le re­frain en­joué de « Tofu farmer » est sy­no­nyme d'in­sou­ciance, « LHG » ap­porte un côte sau­tillant li­bé­ra­teur, « Things that money can't buy » donne une lé­gère co­lo­ra­tion élec­tro à l'album. Mais qu'on se ras­sure, Pop shop ne va pas jusqu'à ver­ser dans cette ignoble elec­tro-​pop qui semble être au­jourd'hui la voie rêvée pour ob­te­nir le suc­cès. [...] Ra­re­ment un album aura aussi bien porté son nom que ce Pop shop qui sent bon le petit ma­ga­sin de proxi­mi­té. Ici comme là-​bas, c'est la fraî­cheur qui compte et Mon­drian en ap­porte par wagon. Dé­ci­dé­ment, quand on s'éloigne des pistes ma­ré­ca­geuses du pay­sage mu­si­cal fran­çais, on dé­couvre par­fois de su­perbes sen­tiers bu­co­liques ap­pe­lant à la rê­ve­rie. Il ne reste plus qu'à es­pé­rer que Mon­drian ne reste pas ce « Best kept se­cret » qu'ils chantent. [...]" =

Saturday, December 25, 2010


"Wer steckt dahinter? Mondrian ist ein Quartett aus Paris, das sich aus Frontmann Roman Oswald und seinen MitstreiterInnen Morning Crash, Demoiselle und Cyrille Fournel zusammensetzt. Die erste EP „Pop Shop“ erschien im August 2010.
Wie klingt das? Leichtgängiger, manchmal etwas windschiefer Pop ist das Steckenpferd von Mondrian. Schon der sehr schöne Opener „Tofu Farmer“ gefällt mit seiner warmherzigen Schrägheit und auch das banjolastige „Love, A Collision“ gehört zu den Gewinnern der sieben Songs starken EP, bei der alle Stücke unter drei Minuten bleiben. Weitere Höhepunkte von „Pop Shop“ sind „Very Wary“, das beinahe ein wenig an Sufjan Stevens erinnert, und das minimalistische, folkige „Best Kept Secret“.
Empfehlenswert? Auf jeden Fall. „Pop Shop“ (kostenloser Download bei Bandcamp) ist eine liebenswerte EP voller kleiner Hits. Ich bin jedenfalls sehr gespannt, was es von den Franzosen in Zukunft noch zu hören gibt…" =

World Cup Asia 2010 - BAD ELEMENTS v INFERNAL

World Cup Asia 2010 - DATIS v S.T.K.

World Cup Asia 2010 - DEMONZ RED v BAD ELEMENTS

2010 AZPPL Event 2 - Arizona Paintball Players League

PSP MAO 2009 Sun Game-05 Vicious vs. XSV

PSP MAO 2009 Sun Game-04 Damage vs. RedLegion

PSP MAO 2009 Sun Game-03 Infamous vs. Dynasty

PSP MAO 2009 Sun Game-02 Vicious vs. Aftmath 2

PSP MAO 2009 Sun Game-01 XSV vs. RNT

PSP MAO 2009 Sat Game-14 Phillly vs. RedLegion

PSP MAO 2009 Sat Game-13 Ironmen vs. Dynasty

Friday, December 24, 2010



"French pop grubu Mondrian bandcamp üzerinden 7 şarkıdan oluşan ‘Pop Shop’ adlı albümünü paylaşıma açmıştı. Şimdi albüme bir kulak kesilip, isterseniz de indirebilmeniz için gerekli olan bandcamp linklerini veriyorum birazdan da bir video kliplerini ekleyeceğim" =

ETV Artifact Episode 5 The Chase-Chapter 1: Paris Carnage

PSP MAO 2009 Sat Game-01 Vipers vs. RNT

PSP MAO 2009 Sat Game-02 Aftermath2 vs. AtlantaEdge

PSP MAO 2009 Sat Game-03 XSV vs. Trauma

PSP MAO 2009 Sat Game-04 RNT vs. Vicious

PSP MAO 2009 Sat Game-05 Dynasty vs. Impact

PSP MAO 2009 Sat Game-06 Aftermath vs. Philly

PSP MAO 2009 Sat Game-08 Boston vs. Hurricanes

PSP MAO 2009 Sat Game-10 Aftershock vs. X-Factor

PSP MAO 2009 Sat Game-11 Impact vs. Bushwackers

PSP MAO 2009 Sat Game-12 Aftermath vs. Damage

Thursday, December 23, 2010


""I couldn't have stopped myself even if I'd wanted to" Mondrian, in the traditional sense, was a Dutch artist arguably most famous for his paintings of (sometimes) colourful vertical and horizontal lines. In the more contemporary sense of the word, MONDRIAN also happens to be an absolutely enchanting French indie pop twosome. What I love most about this duo is that they do things differently - you can tell they genuinely put their soul into the music they make, yet thankfully without taking themselves too seriously. The sound of the band is all very reminiscent of a bittersweet teenage summer past. Their banjo-heavy, beguiling debut E.P. 'Pop Shop' can be streamed/downloaded over at their Bandcamp, which is something I highly recommend you don't miss out on. Check out an exclusive new track by the same name below, too." =

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


"Il a neigé sur Paris, les amis. Avez-vous vu à la télévision ces images de la capitale recouverte d'un grand manteau blanc ? C'était beau, hein ? Tous ces couples qui couraient dans le Jardin des Tuileries en se balançant des boules de neige. Paris en hiver, Paris magique. Et là, comme une évidence, comme le nez au milieu de la figure, Mondrian. Parce que, en voyant ces images, j'ai eu envie de me replonger au coeur de ce pur joyau qu'est "Pop Shop", petite friandise sucrée délicatement confectionnée par deux jeunes hommes insouciants que Dame Nature, de sa bonne grâce, a déposé là, pour notre plus grand bonheur. Je vous le demande, sans détour (parce que je suis "cash", je suis comme çà et pis c'est tout) : vous en connaissez, vous, des groupes qui pondent des pop-songs à vous rouler tout nu dans la neige fraîchement tombée ? Vous en connaissez des groupes qui vous ficellent des petites fantaisies à la "Tofu farmer", des groupes qui vous donnent envie de rouler un patin à la première personne que vous croisez (à vos risques et périls) ? Je vous le demande, moi. Le mieux est encore de se rendre sur le Bandcamp de Mondrian. "Pop Shop" est en écoute et en téléchargement pour moins de 7 euros (ou plus si vous avez le coeur généreux) (et vous êtes généreux, je le sais). Et tant qu'à faire, il y a du MySpace et un beau blogspot que je vous conseille vivement." =

"Best kept secret" by MONDRIAN

Lyrics: Once I played the drums in a college band/- Rocking your socks off!,… or just tried my hand”/Grab attention: bite the apple on the roof/Dig the Beatles, Pete’s sense of rhythm on “Love me do”/As a true proof of the best kept secret/Best bet to forget/Since I took the black veil of silence/I reserve the right not to settle our difference/Vain… as Hollywood never paid me back in its own coin/I dropped the lot and double-locked myself in, John/Am I not divine?/Keep it safe or drop the lot/Keep it safe or…/There might have been someone to rely on/A cause to champion when the privacy clause is not conformed/To laud discretion: bite your tongue a thousand times/Before to let out, to put words forward, on the lion’s den/Here lies the best kept secret. =

Good bye/God bless Pete Best as a loser magnifique, Greta Garbo as The Divine. Fame, success. And also loss. Their memory still on heavy rotation in mine. Ivory-tower silence, cos’ Here Lies the Heart. RO

Friday, December 17, 2010

World Cup Asia 2010 - HIGHWAY STAR v SWAT KIDZ

World Cup Asia 2010 - XTIONEER 2 v HIGHWAY STAR


"Mondrian sounds a bit like Jeff Mangum from Neutral Milk Hotel was given an injection of liquid rainbow after snorting a line of powdered unicorn horn. So happy was he that he brought out his Melodica and began to wheeze a cheerful little tune. And being so satisfied with this, he snuck a little whistling in." =

Thursday, December 16, 2010


"...Mondrian, a french pop band and their track, ‘Love, A Collision.’  If you’re a fan of the sounds of Freelance Whales, or a poppier sounding version of Sufjan’s ‘Seven Swans’ this one will interest you; its got a similar feel with a banjo intro, and a gang-clap bridge… other than what you hear here, I know as much about this band as you do.  But I can say, I’m enjoying the tracks I’m hearing on their myspace, and I’d take a guess you might as well." =

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


I have a Ping account on itunes and while it can be difficult to show every song I like as it is being played I do my best. But not only can you check out the songs I like but also those musicians I follow and what they decree is good music. The name is John Kovalsky and my profile picture is the one above. Happy Hunting.

"Années de Pèlerinage II (Italie): No. 5 Sonetto del Petrarca No. 104 (Live)" Vladimir Horowitz-The Legendary Berlin Concert

This afternoon I heard an interesting story about Vladimir Horowitz from the days when Bryon Janis studies under him. In it Janis is heartbroken by his performance knowing that he can never supplant nor best his teacher and tells him as such. Horowitz comforts the young man and tells him that there is already one Horowitz, that the only goal he should have is to be Janis. Much like the story in the Bible where when face to face with God a man states that he never thought he would arrive in that position for how could he be a better man than Moses, God looks down upon the man and says that the only goal he had in life was to be the best person he himself could be. Paraphrased in both stories but nonetheless and interesting point.

Later on in the day I was sitting at a very late dinner with a terribly svelte and frail looking young man whom I call a friend. He composes for a living after studying at Julliard and we sat there among other friends looking at a Peter Beard photograph of an elephant. Because I usually find myself moving the conversation in the direction I see fit I began telling stories of hunting on the African plains, stories I have never experiences myself but rather obtained from Hemingway, Capstick and Roosevelt novels of such dangerous pursuits. After giving a lecture on the .375 Holland and Holland round, how perfect an ammunition it was for all around African game the conversation turned towards the ivory trade and eventually to whether or not it was still used for piano keys. It is not. My thin friend who is undoubtedly a master of the piano gave myself and the remainder of the table a thought which resonated in my mind for the remainder of the evening. A terribly deep thought from a terribly young man with amazing depth and insight.

He stated that he has played both but playing ivory keys was always so much more painful, literally. His hands would hurt throughout the course of playing but also how much more connected he felt while doing so, how the only nature of ivory was to kill and destroy and when he played their lineage ran through his body. Whether or not he played ivory differently knowing this and thereby churning up emotions within his soul he did not say but for whatever reason he held his idea as truth and I found it beautiful.

Earlier in the day I listened to an hour long speech given by a cultural anthropologist in regards to Darwin's theory of survival of the fittest and how altruism, a practice that is rampant among humans lies in direct contrast to said theory. It was a pretty depressing idea since the speaker conveyed the idea that there is no such thing as selflessness in the world, that the only reason we do good deeds is for our own personal gain and satisfaction.

Sitting here listening to Horowitz all ideas have merged together and I think about the pursuit of perfection, and how such a selfish, maniacal pursuit can lead to pleasure and gain for us all. How the death of a majestic creature, a creature who has no comprehension of a piano and what his own body could possibly be used for, and used for such beauty. I am not quite sure where I stand on any of these matters as they all have their merits, and while killing such a magnificent animal for such frivolities (or not) is a noble right. But I do know that just as such beautiful classical music taps into an unknown in our own mind, that for better or worse we are all connected in so many mystical ways that are beyond our comprehension. Neither Horowitz, Janis, nor Moses himself knows the answer.

"I Found a Reason" Phish-Live October 31 1998 Thomas & Mack Center Las Vegas Nevada

This slow groove is a cover from The Velvet Underground's last Lou Reed album, "Loaded". The master of subversion penned a tune that could probably be sung by any Motown master, maybe Sam Cooke or Otis Redding...or it could have a faster tempo and less harmony and be mistaken for a short Dylan song (and you can hear that actually by checking out the demo version on the recent remaster of "Loaded"). I often wonder what it would sound like if Joe Cocker made a cover. The mark of a great song is that it lends itself to any genre, tempo, feeling and frame of mind.

Because of my undying faith in The Grateful Dead I have always despised Phish. Possibly misquoted, possibly verbatim of what the man said, once Trey Anastasio made the remark that Jerry needed to turn in his axe because he lost his chops...true as they were, well, you simply lose all of my respect. However they are a group of insane musicians and the songs of theirs I do dig are usually their covers. "Jesus Left Chicago" and this song are my two favorites, the prior coming from the band ZZ Top. In this cover there is none of that jumping up and down, spinning, whateverthefuck they call it, dancing type of jam sound of which I usually despise. There is just stripped down soul and groove with a slight sample of Trey's awe inspiring guitar work as a way to finish.

This song can wear two hats. The furry, snugly one is a whispering lamentation of love uttered softly in someones consciousness as they carry around with them the memory of a person while meandering through their daily life. The second one possibly (since it was written by Reed) is a black snake skin fedora worn by "The Man" on a lower east side street corner pushing smack to the kids before they stroll into CBGB or some other sin filled establishment of counter culture.

But I'll tell you for me I heard it a few nights ago in a bar here in Manhattan, outside it was a balmy seventeen degrees, a week and a half before Christmas sitting with a good friend, looking at the outright knockout bartender in her slinky dress, breast exploding out, and how when she turned around a tan line from the string top of her bikini. The tempo of the song slowed my heart back down to normal repetition and sync and her movements slowed as well until it all slowed down and I got all fuzzy and warm. There was an old Rangers game on the TV, Messier was looking strong and it felt like every New York night should feel. Perfect.

PSP World Cup 2010 - Russian Legion vs Tampa Bay Damage Pro Paintball Sunday Highlights

Paintball Snow Day at PBC 2010

Free download of "Pop Shop"!!!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

"Way Back Home" Junior Walker and the All Stars- The Ultimate Jr. Walker & The All Stars

I lived almost seven years of my life in various parts of the south. Did I like it? Sometimes. Was it a different world that did possess myriad of great things? You bet. I'll tell you though, as a Catholic from the north, the Civil War is still going on in some of those deep southern parts. I can't imagine just how terrible it was to have much darker skin down there back in the day, and even now. Dealing with such a problem on a daily basis can do one of two things to a man, chisel him to a hardened, bitter person or provide an education on how bad things can really get and learn not to worry about the little trials in life.

Junior Walker's first line "Oh, there's good and bad things about the South, boy Oh, and some leave a bitter taste In my mouth, now." Speaks to those darker issues within the South's psyche. Junior digresses to much more pleasant issues.

Remember how excited you used to be to wear shorts for the first time? The first time of the season you hear the ice man's truck meandering through the blocks of your neighborhood, fireflies, trips to the beach, meeting up with you friends and causing a little trouble by playing manhunt in the neighbors yard? Then as the summer progressed and it got hotter and hotter, Little League would be over and almost daily your parents would drive you down to the beach where you'd exhaust yourself in the sun and sand until the sun set and the fireworks would break open the sky until you'd pass out from exhaustion? Towards the end of summer you'd get this sinking feeling in your stomach because you knew school was right around the corner, you'd dread Labor Day and wonder why everyone would have picnics and party because it was not cause for celebration, rather it was a wake for the summer?

We all remember it, and even a little black boy from the south in the fifties has remarkable memories of the summer. In hearing this song one can help but open up the drawer and look to see if the shorts are there, waiting to be released, and while the times had now as an adult in the summer are slightly different there's still that magic that comes from the smells of fresh cut grass, the burning of your skin in August sun and the dread that develops every Sunday when its time for school again.

"Handle With Care" Traveling Wilburys-Traveling Wilburys Vol. 1

Bob Dylan's home studio in Malibu has certainly had some music history echo through its walls, but on one particular day a bunch of musicians came together, just some friends, no big deal. George Harrison, Roy Orbison and Jeff Lynne, you know just a few of the boys. Turns out George left his guitar at his house and made a run back for it, he returned with the axe and another random; Tom Petty. They came together to add some back up to George's song B side of "This is Love", just a B side that no one would listen to in the long run. However the studio deemed that the song "Handle With Care" was simply too good to be released as a B side to a single. With that the band was born, their first album of which this track appeared on was part of the soundtrack to my childhood.

My Dad would play it over and over in the car, I loved it. I loved how in one of the songs "Tweeter and the Monkey Man" there were curses and I could sing them without getting yelled at. I loved on the track "Dirty World" that I knew (well kinda) what they were singing about and that I could sing it because Dad probably didn't think I knew what it was about (in retrospect I'm sure he did but kept that unspoken: "I know you know, you know I know you know, lets not admit it and keep things the way the should be."

Throughout college I mostly forgot about the album and even afterwards it remained in the case for years, unplayed and untouched. But one day I discovered it again and started playing it in the car, around that time I met a woman to take the passenger seat next to me. To my surprise she loved it and we'd drive around town either in her or my car singing the tracks with the windows down. Before we had met I was hurting pretty bad inside, loneliness was dragging me down and a bad start at a new job at work had me feeling much shorter than my six foot three inches. For what I would eventually find out, she was hurting in a lot of ways herself. And I remember her singing Roy's refrain I'm so tired of being lonely, I still have some love to give...while she looked up, her head slightly cocked and tilted to the sky. It sounded as true as anything I have ever heard and could tell that she couldn't look at me because the confidence to ask that question to my face was just not there. But I knew what she was asking and answered as anyone who is sitting there looking at such a beautiful looking, heartfelt, adorable woman could only answer.

I haven't been writing much on this blog lately, in truth it has been such a hard past few months of personal problems, money problems, computer problems...and just about everything that could go wrong has. But today this song came on at random while I was in the shower and I started singing. It's been years since I've sung in the shower when before those years it was a daily event. While singing I contemplated why I haven't and didn't like what I was seeing, until I saw once again her singing in the car driving around town. Man, it was pure poetry on a thousand different levels and its been in my head ever since. Christmas time is either the very most worst time of year or the most joyous. For the past four years my Christmas has been the worst, this year was gonna be five in a row with this one taking the cake for the most evil of the five. But, I don't know, it might just be looking up.

December Issue of Paintball X3 Digital is Live & FREE

The latest issue of the world's most popular and most read digital paintball magazine is now Live & Free. Check out coverage of the Fulda Gap Scenario 2010, the NCPA NE Event #2, and full reviews of the new Empire Axe, Sly Profit Goggles, and Tippmann Gryphon. Also in this issue - tons of new products, TSSOC Gangland Scenario coverage, The Good News, Under $500 Marker Feature and more. Check it out.



"Uppgötvaði (og hreinlega varð að deila með ykkur) plötuna Pop Shop með frönsku sveitinni Mondrian en hún flytur eitt það áheyrilegasta sólskinspopp sem undirritaður hefur heyrt lengi. Gott ef ekki má greina smá áhrif frá Kinks í hinni unaðslega folk-skotna tónaflóði sveitarinnar. Ég veit nánast ekkert um þetta Parísarband en vissi strax við fyrstu hlustun að hér væri eitthvað sérstakt á ferð. Skyldu áheyrn!" =

Sunday, December 12, 2010


"Mondrian are an indie-pop band from France, a nation that I am gaining more respect for by the day as they seemed to handle their rejection from hosting the 2012 Olympic Games A LOT better than England currently is/are with the 2018 World Cup bid. Shame on all of you throwing your toys out of the pram. Perhaps Mondrian will cheer you up though. They put out a 7 track EP called 'Pop Shop' in the summer but dropped me an email with a new song, of the same name, the other day. Now I wasn't really that into it but I do try to listen to a couple of tracks from every band that I get emailed about. That probably explains the vast number of unread messages in my inbox. But if I didn't do that, I would have missed out on Mondrian's joyous twee-pop offerings, such as 'LHG' and 'Tofu Farmer'. These songs are like a stripped back Phoenix, while still retaining all of that band's anthemic glory." =

Saturday, December 11, 2010


"Getting Kinky all the way from France… From the “where have I been these last 4 months” files, I’ve just stumbled upon French pop 4-piece Mondrian (je m’excuse folks, didn’t see you standing there, hopefully I didn’t do any permanent damage…) Mondrian are producing some really lovely, stripped down, almost “Kinksy” pop; wrapped in a warm cardigan of banjo, uke, synth, and Ray Davies-like vocals. Sure, there are other influences on display here, but, they’re not overwhelming and compliment their own original sounds…" =

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

“Por la rectificación del proyecto del nuevo Reglamento de Armas (Paintball)”.

“Por la rectificación del proyecto del nuevo Reglamento de Armas (Paintball)”.
El pasado 3 de Diciembre se publicó el proyecto del nuevo Reglamento de Armas y hay una errata muy grave a la hora de definir las armas de Paintball.
Por favor entrad en este grupo que he creado para que podais verlo y podais enviar vuestra alegación para que se pueda modificar esta:!/home.php?sk=group_165816416786720

Gracias a tod@s

Grupo creado para la difusión del error sobre el Paintball que hay en el proyecto del nuevo Reglamento de Armas donde indica que las armas de Paintball están dentro de la categoría lúdico-deportiva y que estas tienen una potencia máxima de 3 Julios (las armas de Paintball para disparar a 300 fps necesitan 12.75 Julios) y que las bolas tienen que ser de 8mm y de peso 0.4 gr (las bolas de Paintball pesan hasta 3.5 gr y tienen un diámetro de hasta 18 mm)

Desde aquí queremos promover tanto la difusión de este error como facilitar a todos los jugadores, empresas y simpatizantes del Paintball los trámites para presentar las alegaciones para la rectificación del proyecto.

Toda la información aquí publicada es una recopliación de la proporcionada en los foros de; y; Queremos dar las gracias a estos foros y en especial a miembros como Invisible, Bolazos, Shaeone y muchos más por sus aportaciones e informaciones.


Tuesday, December 7, 2010

PBL Product Spotlight Bob Long Victory Marker Review

2011 Proto Reflex Tech with Billy Wing

2010 Masters PRO Division Finals - Hostile Int. vs Explicit (feat. Bobby Aviles)

Update from Joy Division

Actualización de Joy Division

Following on the heels of Joy Divisions retirement announcement , team manager Magued Idris has released a statement providing more information and insight as to where the players will end up. Tras los pasos de las divisiones anuncio de retiro Alegría , director del equipo Magued Idris ha publicado una declaración que contiene más información y conocimiento en cuanto a donde los jugadores se terminan.

Thanks! Gracias! For the kind words, its been a pleasure being part of paintball with you guys, Las amables palabras que, ha sido un placer para mí formar parte de paintball con ustedes,

The team is really moved by the overwhelming kind response from all over the world. El equipo está muy conmovido por la amable respuesta abrumadora de todo el mundo. And it feels like we did something right reading all those praises Y se siente como que hicimos algo bien la lectura de todos los elogios

Sebban and Karl will play with the local Mash team at least a year or 2 more. Sebban y Karl jugará con el equipo de Mash local por lo menos un año o más 2.

Max is not sure, but hes talking about doing little maxes with hes girlfriend (which you would understand if you meet her! ) Max no es seguro, pero hes hablando de hacer algo con su novia maxes hes (que se entendería si su encuentro!)

Mellis is done and Storckenfeldt is done. Mellis se hace y Storckenfeldt está hecho. Knut is moving back to Norway and might play some more but he have big plans with his naprapathy carrier. Knut se está moviendo de nuevo a Noruega y podría jugar un poco más, pero que tienen grandes planes con su carrera naprapatía.

And for me I retired last year but are still involved thru my Aball, so I will be at events sometimes with APS. Y para mí, me retiré el año pasado pero todavía están involucrados a través de mi aball, así que voy a estar en los eventos a veces con SAF.

The team might do some promotion for the new Angel in 2011 and Im sure APS will do one last Joy Edition when the ARK arrive El equipo podría hacer algo de promoción para el nuevo ángel en el año 2011 y EPA estoy seguro que va a hacer una última edición de alegría cuando llega la ARK

Thank you! ¡Gracias!

Magued Idris Magued Idris

[Video of the day] FN303 Less Lethal Launcher

[Video del día] FN303 letal lanzador Menos

From the department of all-things-awesome, we have the FN303. Desde el departamento de todas las-cosas-impresionante, tenemos el FN303.

We recently stumbled upon a video of Simon Stevens discussing a project he developed at Air Gun Designs, the FN303. Recientemente hemos topado con un video de Simon Stevens discutiendo un proyecto que desarrolló en Air diseños pistola, el FN303. The FN-303 is a less-lethal launcher which carrys a 15-rd drum magazine and propels objects via compressed air. El FN-303 es un lanzador menos letal que carrys a 15 º tambor objetos revista y propulsa a través de aire comprimido. The FN303 project was developed by AGD and Pro Team Products for fire arms manufacture FN-Herstal. El proyecto fue desarrollado por FN303 AGD y Pro Productos Equipo para la fabricación de armas de fuego-FN Herstal. The gun fires a The FN 303 fires fin-stabilized version of a paintball. El arma dispara una aleta El FN-303 incendios versión estabilizada de una bola de pintura.

Check out the video from Simon explaining the project. Mira el vídeo de Simon explicando el proyecto.

Simon Stevens, VP of Engineering at KEE Action Sports was the father of force-feed loaders and currently owns much of the intellectual property concerning force-feed loaders. Simon Stevens, vicepresidente de Ingeniería de KEE Action Sports fue el padre de los cargadores de alimentación forzada y posee en la actualidad gran parte de la propiedad intelectual relativa a los cargadores de alimentación forzada.

Enter-To-Win an Empire AXE

Participa para ganar un AXE Imperio

Empire Paintball is running a contest to promote the new Empire AXE paintball guns. Imperio Paintball se está ejecutando un concurso para promocionar el nuevo Imperio pistolas de paintball AXE. Three lucky winners will be chosen at the conclusion of the promotion to win one new AXE each. Tres afortunados ganadores serán elegidos al final de la promoción para ganar un nuevo AXE cada uno. Be sure to support our site and let them know you came from ProPaintball! Asegúrese de apoyar a nuestro sitio y hacerles saber que venía de ProPaintball!

What are you waiting for? ¿Qué estás esperando? Hurry up and enter the Empire AXE contest ! Date prisa y entrar en el concurso de AXE Imperio !


Monday, December 6, 2010

2010 Australian Masters - semi pro division

Monday Paintball Rumor Report

Paintball Lunes Rumor Informe

Today's pro paintball rumor report features Russian Legion, Chicago Aftershock , Texas Storm, TKO and VICIOUS . pro Hoy informe rumor de paintball características Rusia Legión, Réplica de Chicago , la tormenta de Texas, TKO y VICIOSO .

  • ProPaintball insiders indicate that both the Russian Legion & Chicago Aftershock are looking the NPPL in 2011. iniciados ProPaintball indican que tanto la Federación de Rusia Legión y Réplica de Chicago está buscando la NPPL en 2011. We recently reported on Russian Legion competing in the 2011 NPPL series (in addition to the PSP) and expect an official announcement confirming this move in the near future. Recientemente hemos informado en Rusia Legión competir en el 2011 NPPL serie (además de la PSP) y esperar un anuncio oficial que confirme este movimiento en un futuro próximo.
  • Total Karnage Orlando (TKO) is looking to go pro in the PSP for 2011. Total Karnage Orlando (TKO) es la intención de viajar a favor de la PSP para el 2011.
  • An unnamed group is said to be building a new PSP pro team for the 2011 season. Un grupo anónimo se dice que es la construcción de un nuevo equipo de PSP profesional para la temporada 2011. Rumor has it the group is located in the mid-west and will be pulling pro players from established teams. Se rumorea que el grupo se encuentra en el centro-oeste y se tira jugadores profesionales de los equipos ya establecidos.
  • Texas Storm is said to be rebuilding a Division 1 Race-To Xball team. Tormenta de Texas se dice que es la reconstrucción de una División 1 Race-Para Xball equipo. Pro Player Mark Johnson from San Antonio X-Factor will be with the new Storm team. Pro Player Mark Johnson de San Antonio Factor X estará con el equipo nuevo Storm. Rumors suggest Bob Long is working on a Texas Storm edition G6R. Los rumores sugieren Bob Long está trabajando en una edición de Texas G6R tormenta. Other sponsors are said to include Empire Paintball, Avid Extreme Sports, and RPS. Otros patrocinadores se dice que incluyen Imperio Paintball, Deportes extremos Avid, y RPS.
  • Pro Player Trevor Resar from San Antonio X-Factor rumored to be added to the Vicious roster. Pro Player Trevor Resar de San Antonio de X-Factor se rumorea que se añade a la lista Vicious.

Photo Credit: Jake Matheny Crédito de la imagen: Jake Matheny

Grind Magazine: Volume 5 release

Moler la revista: Volumen 5 de liberación

Grind online magazine has released its fifth issue for 2010, keep in mind is is absolutely FREE. Featured in the Volume are pictures and information from World Cup, Emerging Underground, player profiles and more. revista en línea Muela ha lanzado su quinta edición para el año 2010, tener en cuenta es absolutamente GRATIS. destacados en el volumen son imágenes e información de la Copa del Mundo, metro emergentes, perfiles de los jugadores y mucho más. Be sure to check it out here : Asegúrese de que echa un vistazo aquí :


"There is something very alluring when a group of musicians insist on being called a “Pop Band”. While at this point the term “Pop” is almost ambiguous to the point where can mean anything, Mondrian claim to be the “only Parisian POP band”. Saying that this is bold would be an understatement, and it was be a shame if they weren’t able to back it up. Fortunately, Mondrain are actually quite awesome. Pop is a really fitting term for their sound because while they seem to have many influences, all of the groups that they resemble were palatable to the masses. They sound like a cross between The Byrds and Hot Chip. Their newest single, “Pop Shop” is extremely simple, but the simplicity enables it to become a sort of pop bliss. The track begins with simple drums, and then a delightful, full sounding electronic organ comes in. A few other synths enter, but the most charming part of the song is the vocals. They are light sounding, but also unpolished in a wholehearted way. During the chorus there are harmonies that remind me a lot of The Byrds. While I doubt that Mondrian are the only parisian pop band, they certainly appear to be one of the best." =

Virtue Rotor Board 2.0 - w/ RF auto-reverse.

Big Valken Giveaways!

Grandes Regalos Valken!

Just in time for Christmas, Valken is stepping up and giving away all sorts of amazing paintball gear at the Galaxy Wars scenario event. Justo a tiempo para Navidad, Valken está intensificando y regalando todo tipo de artes de paintball en el evento increíble escenario Galaxy Wars. From jerseys and pants to loadbearing equipment and even a paintball gun, the prizes are great! Desde camisetas y pantalones para portante equipos e incluso una pistola de paintball, los premios son muy buenos! Click READ MORE for the official flier and more information from Valken and the Valken Corps! Haga clic en Leer Más para el volante oficial y obtener más información de Valken y el Cuerpo de Valken!

Friday, December 3, 2010


"hmm, ja Mondrian, is für mich eine der interessantesten Entdeckungen der letzten 2 Wochen, alein schon wegen ihres Videos. Guten Appetit!"